Portsmouth Music Hub is playing its part in the UK's Clean Air Day with two new songs that put an 'energy-saving' spotlight on the perils of indoor and outdoor pollution.

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The songs have been written by the award-winning team of composers at the Music Hub, and they draw attention to the changes we can all make to create a safer and healthier environment to live, work and play in. The songs form part of the One World environmental campaign which has been running since September 2018.

Over the past 10 months beach cleans, art and poetry competitions, performances in schools, together with concerts, events and a special performance for BBC Music Day 2018 have inspired thousands of local children and young people to take action to protect and save our environment.

On Clean Air Day (20 June) the Music Hub will be releasing footage on Twitter of children singing the Clean Air Day song during their rehearsals for the One World Showcase.

The Showcase, which will be performed at Portsmouth's Guildhall on Thursday 4 July, is an evening of music and entertainment that highlights local environmental issues that may have a global impact, and children from schools across the city will take to the stage to encourage us all to take action to help save our world.

Sue Beckett continued: ‘Children understand how important it is to change behaviours and they've responded with so much energy, with clarity and a real determination. Children really care, and when you fire up their imagination, they really can change the world!"

To see the Clean Air Day song rehearsal footage follow the Music Hub on Twitter @portsmouthmusic.

Sue Beckett, CEO of Portsmouth Music Hub has led the One World campaign. She said: "In the past year the One World campaign has received overwhelming support from so many people and organisations. People really care about the environment and the impact our actions are having on the planet. However, the enthusiasm of thousands of local children and young people really has been inspirational.’