Portsmouth Music Hub launches 5-year Music Inclusion strategy

Portsmouth Music Hub has published its music inclusion strategy, which aims to set out its plans to develop equality, diversity and inclusion across the Hub and to develop diverse musical opportunities for children and young people across Portsmouth.

Portsmouth Music Hub, which has just celebrated its 10th Anniversary, aims to transform and inspire lives through high quality music and cultural engagement.

"The Music Hub has been fortunate to receive funding from Youth Music to develop its inclusion practice. As part of the process, we have received some extremely valuable thoughts, ideas and opinions from many sectors of Portsmouth's diverse community about what musical inclusion really means. In particular, how children and young people could be supported through music, identifying barriers to musical participation and the genres of music that are the most popular amongst children and young people across the city."  

Ruth Morgan, Music Inclusion Manager at Portsmouth Music Hub

As a consequence of the pandemic, there are significant challenges for children, young people and adults. Addressing well-being and mental health is important for everyone and the Music Hub is developing opportunities for further development in these aspects through high quality musical opportunities. Portsmouth Music Hub is already acting on the results of the research offering a range of musical opportunities that address both musical outcomes as well as social and personal outcomes.

The Hub is determined to raise awareness of the city's strong foundation in the arts and culture to inspire children and young people today as well as future generations to enjoy music, experience its numerous benefits and raise awareness of music as a possible career.

Portsmouth is a unique maritime city which has been the home to many famous people over the years, including musicians. Just a few of the famous people born in Portsmouth include English actress and TV personality, Amanda Holden, Supertramp's Charles Hodgson, and film producer Allison Owen who is also mother to the singer Lily Allen. Portsmouth is also the birthplace of engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, former Prime Minister James Callaghan and author Charles Dickens, one of the most prominent writers of the Victorian era.

 As part of the research before the inclusion strategy was completed, the Music Hub has looked at the areas of deprivation in the city. Research shows that there is a very mixed range of deprivation across Portsmouth and of the of the 125 Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) in Portsmouth, there are 15 which are in the 10% most deprived areas in England. With over 120 languages other than English spoken in Portsmouth schools, the Hub is also keen to support those who speak English as an additional language.

"Portsmouth Music Hub has always been committed to inclusion and can proudly demonstrate numerous examples of inclusive practice and impressive inclusive musical performances over the years. The research which has led to this Inclusion Strategy will be invaluable in developing the Hub's inclusive practice further. Now, more than ever, the children and young people of Portsmouth need the Hub to have clear and inclusive city-wide priorities to ensure that the outstanding music delivery is maintained, despite the inevitable challenges because of the pandemic. Portsmouth Music Hub is committed to promoting the message that music and the arts continue to be invaluable for everyone and even more so now."

Sue Beckett, CEO of Portsmouth Music Hub