
The environment matters. What we do, how we live our lives and the decisions we make has an impact on the world around us. From recycling to renewable energy, from pollution to plastics we all have a part to play in making our world a home fit for future generations.


Harnessing the power of music and the Arts One World is a campaign designed to raise awareness of environmental issues that affect Portsmouth, the UK and beyond. Throughout the year One World will engage schools with an exciting menu of opportunities, culminating with the One World Showcase, a major event taking place on July 4th at Portsmouth’s Guildhall.

As part of One World the Hub’s team of award-winning composers have created a songbook packed with informative, upbeat and exciting songs for children and young people.

As the year progresses information and resources will be uploaded to support your understanding about environmental issues. We hope these songs and resources will inspire not only children and young people but the whole community, as we all develop a new appreciation and understanding of our wonderful world.

The message is simple; that the environmental choices we make every day will change the world.




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